Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Newlywed Cooking

As a newly wed, I have come to find my "wifely duties" a little harder than I thought. I'm struggling with the tradition of having dinner on the table by 6:00, and waiting for my husband in an apron at the front door. In our relationship, My Love and I have an understanding that he's the chef in our duo. He has a passion for cooking and the talent to make even mac-n-cheese taste phenominal. Why then, should I have to struggle with this tradition of being a domestic wife? Since My Love and I started dating (100 years ago it seems!) I've been getting grief for not cooking for my husband. Friends, dinner guests, family, and the in-laws all make the same disapproving face and the inevitable "What!?" gasp whenever I say that I don't cook, or rather, that I don't know how to cook. So when I find a recipe that even I can tackle, I'm ecstatic! I scour websites like and for easy to follow recipes. My criteria for an 'easy to follow recipe' is a photo of what it should look like ('should' being the key word here), ingredients that I can actually locate in my grocery store, and few enough steps that I can fit the recipe on one recipe card. So in my upcoming blogs I'll share recipes that are easy (ones even the poorest domestic wife can handle), fun, and delicious!


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